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Q: We couldn't be more proud of who you have become or is it we couldn't be prouder of who you have become?
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Is the past tense of proud more proud or prouder?

it is proud, prouder, and proudest. not most proud, most prouder, or most proudest.

Do you say prouder or more proud?

You would say "prouder" when comparing two things. You would say "more proud" when comparing three or more things. For example, "I am prouder of my accomplishments than you are" or "I am more proud of my accomplishments than anyone else".

Is more prouder correct grammar?

No, "more prouder" is not correct grammar. "More proud" is the correct form to compare levels of pride.

Can you say more prouder?

To say "more prouder" would be incorrect. Both the word 'more' and the suffix'-er' are indications of different degrees of the word, therefore both of them together are unnecessary and not proper. Both "prouder" and "more proud" are technically correct, however "more proud" is both the clearer of the two and the most correct.The comparative form of proud can be in two ways.The morphologic form is prouder. The periphrastic form is more proud.To a lesser degree, these forms even combine in expressions such as more prouder, gramatically accepted.

What is the correct form of the word Proud?

"Pride" is a noun and a verb and as such does not have a comparative form. The adjective "prideful" has the comparative "more prideful", while the adjective "proud" has the comparative "prouder."

Which one is correct I could not be more proud to have been part of this team or I could not be prouder to have been part of this team?

I could not be more proud

Is there an english word like prouder?

Not really. Bad American English has formed such a word. The correct way to say "prouder" in a sentence is "I have never been more proud ... "

Is proud a feeling?

The word -proud- is an adjective. Comparable forms for adjectives are comparative and superlative. As you have phrased the question, -more prouder- is the comparative form of proud. And it is incorrect grammatically. The general rule (although there are exceptions) is: One syllable words: add an -er- at the end. Two syllable words: add either an -er- at the end or the word -more- before it. Three syllable words: add the word -more- before the word. Since -proud- is a one syllable word, the proper comparative is -prouder-. -More prouder- is not only incorrect, but it's also redundant.

Why do people say 'more proud' rather than prouder?

The normal comparative of native English adjectives is in -er: Proud - prouder. Comparatives in "more" are properly reserved for adjectives imported through Norman French: fortuitous - more fortuitous. But because the "more" construction mimics the conquering French grammar, it is more "elevated" than the native English form. "More proud" supposedly sounds nobler than "prouder" does. Snobbish nonsense, reallyThis is just one of those thousands of usages which have no particular reason, and have to be memorized.When children learn English, they don't learn it by memorizing a bunch of rules. They just hear something over and over, and since they've never heard anyone say "prouder" but have heard "more proud", they know to say "more proud".The inconsistency of the English language, with so many arbitrary variations, is what makes it one of the most difficult languages to learn.An adjective that is monosyllabic or that ends in -y (or like a few, in -some) normally forms the comparative the native English way, in -er: grand - grander; happy - happier; handsome - handsomer. A polysyllabic adjective normally forms the comparative the French way, with "more:" tepid - more tepid; important - more important.The one syllable (or in -y) adjective like good or proud or pretty may sometimes be made more dignified with the French comparative, just as the French grammatical structure makes "the house of God" sound more reverent than the native English grammar of "God's house." By the same token, the polysyllabic adjective will sound silly with the native comparative. Thus we may say more proud instead of prouder, if we need help standing on our dignity, but we won't say importanter unless we're clowning around.The "rules" of grammar of course do not govern grammar, they describe it. Grammar changes over time and English grammar is currently undergoing a media-driven spasm of stilted over-corrected change that is tying our tongue in knots.

Why do they use medals instead of ribbons or gems you the commonwealth?

because medals make you even more prouder

Why did manufacturing become more important than farming in the north?

Because the North were proud of being the most modern people on earth.

What is the comparative and superlative form of polite?

what is the comparative and superlative form of ? polite tiny calm useful dark tasty old boring interesting nervoos sad new cold funny famous loud expencive rich importand terrible nice