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weight of an object is minimum when it is placed at the center of the earth because when an object is in the center ,it experiences gravitational pull from all the sides.thus the net weight of an object remains to be zero.


Possibly, but given that the centre of the Earth is unreachable and a ball of metal anyway, a more useful and achievable location for weightlessness is in Space!

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2d ago

The weight of an object will be minimum when it is in free fall or in a state of weightlessness, such as when experiencing zero gravity in space.

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Q: Weight of an object will be minimum when it is placed at?
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Weight of an object will be minimum when placed at?

The weight of an object will be minimum when placed at the center of the Earth. This is because at the center of the Earth, the gravitational forces from all directions cancel each other out, resulting in a net gravitational force of zero.

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