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A couple things first, fix your spelling you sound stupid, second don't worry about the Earth warming up. Global warming doesn't exist it is an excuse Al Gore used so that pathetic loser can be famous for something. Think how we get heat, the sun, the sun is a giant fusion reaction (if you don't know what a fusion reaction is look it up) that is constant with minor fluctuation in energy. So if the sun has more reactions more heat is produced and the earth gets hotter. The evidence is in the other planets, they have also warmed up with the extra reactions. The government is also using Global Warming as an excuse to try to raise the price of gas and making everything else expensive.

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2mo ago

To address global warming, individuals and governments can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, planting trees, and adopting sustainable practices. Chemical reactions responsible for global warming occur when greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to increased temperatures and changes in climate patterns. These reactions involve the release of gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere.

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Q: Well global warmin is one of d worsest thing happenin to lyf now how to get rid of it hw can you prevent it let you know about some of the aspects n in wat way does the chemical reactions tak place?
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How is the increase or decrease of temperature a chemical change?

An increase or decrease in temperature can lead to a chemical change by affecting the rate of chemical reactions. Higher temperatures can speed up chemical reactions by providing more energy for collisions between reactant molecules, leading to new substances being formed. Conversely, lower temperatures can slow down or even prevent certain reactions from occurring due to the decrease in kinetic energy available for the reaction to take place.

What is the purpose of an inhibitor in a chemical reaction?

An inhibitor is used in a chemical reaction to slow down or prevent the reaction from occurring at a normal rate. It does this by interfering with the chemical process, usually by blocking or disrupting key steps in the reaction pathway. This can be useful for controlling reaction rates or minimizing side reactions in a desired chemical process.

What is Na2NO2?

Sodium nitrite (Na2NO2) is a chemical compound commonly used in food preservation to prevent bacterial growth and maintain the pink color of cured meats, such as bacon and hot dogs. It is also used in some pharmaceutical applications and as a reducing agent in chemical reactions.

Why should you always use a dry spatula or spoon when getting solid chemicals from regeant bottles?

Using a dry spatula or spoon helps prevent contamination of the chemical in the reagent bottle. Moisture can cause reactions with the chemical or alter its properties. It also helps maintain the purity and integrity of the chemical for accurate experimental results.

Why should you never mix Hydrochloric acid and Sulfuric acid and Nitric acid?

Mixing these acids can create highly corrosive and toxic fumes and can result in violent chemical reactions that can be extremely dangerous. It is best to avoid mixing different types of acids to prevent accidental exposure to harmful substances.

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A sealed vessel is used to conduct chemical reactions under controlled conditions. It helps to prevent contamination, regulate temperature and pressure, and maintain a specific environment that is necessary for the reaction to occur efficiently.

How is the increase or decrease of temperature a chemical change?

An increase or decrease in temperature can lead to a chemical change by affecting the rate of chemical reactions. Higher temperatures can speed up chemical reactions by providing more energy for collisions between reactant molecules, leading to new substances being formed. Conversely, lower temperatures can slow down or even prevent certain reactions from occurring due to the decrease in kinetic energy available for the reaction to take place.

Can you stop a chemical reaction from happening?

Yes, you can stop a chemical reaction by removing one or more of the reactants, changing the temperature, or altering the pH. Adding an inhibitor can also prevent a reaction from occurring.

What topographical features increase the pollution problem in Los Angeles?

Sunny weather produces more chemical reactions for the pollution and lack of winds prevent the pollution from being blown away.

What is h3c nh2 o?

H3C NH2 O represents the chemical formula for dimethylamine oxide, an organic compound commonly used as a protecting agent in the chemical industry. It acts as a stabilizer for certain types of reactive chemicals and helps prevent unwanted side reactions during chemical processes.

What is the purpose of an inhibitor in a chemical reaction?

An inhibitor is used in a chemical reaction to slow down or prevent the reaction from occurring at a normal rate. It does this by interfering with the chemical process, usually by blocking or disrupting key steps in the reaction pathway. This can be useful for controlling reaction rates or minimizing side reactions in a desired chemical process.

Does freezing and refrigerating food stop or prevent decay?

I think a refrigerator, slows down the process of food rotting as the microorganisms take more time to cause chemical reactions in cold weather.

What is the combustibility of argon?

Argon is a non-combustible gas because it is inert and does not readily participate in chemical reactions. It is used in fire suppression systems to displace oxygen and prevent combustion.

What is Na2NO2?

Sodium nitrite (Na2NO2) is a chemical compound commonly used in food preservation to prevent bacterial growth and maintain the pink color of cured meats, such as bacon and hot dogs. It is also used in some pharmaceutical applications and as a reducing agent in chemical reactions.

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Is there any medicines to prevent allergic reactions?

there's a couple of medication to prevent allergic reactions called loratodine, benadryl, and i think nasonex. anything like an antihistamine.