

Were did Sal go in walk two moons?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Sal took a road trip to Idaho with her grandparents.

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Q: Were did Sal go in walk two moons?
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Sal goes to Lewiston because she wants to see her mother's grave there.

Who is the egg man in walk two moons?

The Egg Man in "Walk Two Moons" is a character who collects and sells eggs. He offers wisdom and advice to Sal during her journey. Ultimately, he helps Sal understand the importance of acceptance and letting go.

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In the book "Walk Two Moons" by Sharon Creech, beneath the floorboards in Sal's room are papers and letters that give her insight into her mother's mysterious disappearance. These papers help Sal piece together the events leading up to her mother's departure.

Is Sal and Ben related in Walk Two Moons?

Sal and Ben are both young people dealing with absent mothers. Sal's mother was dealing with depression before she died, and Ben's mother is living in a mental institution. There are things about Ben's mother that remind Sal of her mother, before she died.

What 5 places does sal go in walk two moons?

Five places that Salamanca went were Lake Michigan, Pipestone National Park, Badlands, Mount Rushmore, and Yellowstone.

In the book Walk Two Moons where does Sal go?

-Mount Rushmore -Lake Michigan -The Badlands -The Black Hills -Pipestone -Missouri River -Quincy, Kentucky -Coeur d'Alene These are some of the places

Who is Sergeant Bickle in Walk Two Moons?

Sergeant Bickle is a police officer who helps the main characters, Sal and Phoebe, when they go missing in the novel "Walk Two Moons" by Sharon Creech. He is kind and caring, offering support and guidance to the girls during a difficult time.

How does sal deny or refuse to face the truth about her mother in Walk Two Moons?

Sal denies or refuses to face the truth about her mother in "Walk Two Moons" by creating elaborate stories and fantasies as a coping mechanism to avoid confronting the painful reality of her mother's disappearance. She struggles to accept the truth because it would mean acknowledging her mother's absence and dealing with the grief and confusion that comes with it.

Why did Salamanca go to Lewiston in Walk Two Moons?

her dad thought it will be a good idea

What states did Sal and her grandparents go through inWalk Two Moons?

Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin , Minnesota , south Dakota ,Wyoming , Montana, Idaho,

What is Sal's character trait in Walk Two Moons?

Sal's character trait in "Walk Two Moons" is resilient. Throughout the story, she demonstrates a strength and perseverance in facing the challenges and losses in her life. She learns to cope with her emotions and experiences, ultimately showing her resilience in dealing with her circumstances.