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Don't inject into your arm. Unless you are using some time of "site injectable" steroid, which only effects the muscl injected, you never want to inject into your arm. There are places in the shoulder to inject but there are a lot of nerves there and it is risky. Inject into your butt, or quardricep. There is plenty of muscle, and hard to miss. Plus it's convenient to have both hands to use while you are doing this.

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Q: Were in the arm do you inject steroids?
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How do you get rid of steroids?

inject them

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they inject into ear while masturbating

What preparations does someone who is in the process of injecting steroids has to follow in order to inject the steroids properly?

There are about eight specific steps one need to follow when injecting steroids. First of all, choosing a needle, drawing air, emptying the air, drawing the oil, removing air bubbles, disinfecting, plunging the needle and aspirate, and one is ready to inject the steroids.

How do you use inject as a sentence?

"OK Nurse, Now just INJECT the needle onto the patients arm."

How would your arm have a lump after injecting steroids?

Injecting to fast

Can epileptics take steroids?

Under most scenarios, it is impossible to have a seizure relating to the steroids unless: 1.) You inject a very large amount of the oil directly into a major vein 2.)You inject a large amount of air directly into a major vein 3.)You insert the needle directly into a major nerve bundle and leave it there....... 3.)Or you have an intense adverse allergic reaction to something in the oil

Can steroids stop you having a baby?

the only way if u want to to use them is just inject the needle into the babies head! sorry.

Do you inject testosterone cypionate in the arm muscle or in the buttocks?

You inject it in your butt or thigh. Need to be careful with the thigh and make sure you stay in the area about half way between the hip and the knee.

How do you inject steroids and what sort of needle?

You can inject them into any vein in the body, but man, don't do it. Become big without them, people will respect you more. And any junkie needle will do, if your in the UK your gp/local hospital give them away for free. DONT SHARE NEEDLES

Why do heroin addicts wrap tape around their arm?

It causes the veins to pop up and become easier to inject into.

Where do they inject the Tdap booster shot?

I usually get mine in the bottom but they can also be given in the arm, although they hurt more there.

Is the drug speed ball done by shooting it in arm or by mouth?

You inject it. Cook the Heroin as per normal and then crumble the rock onto the teaspoon containing the H then draw in the solution and inject and possibly die