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Why waste your time trying to frame this person? It's not condusive to your life and a waste of time. There is an old saying that rings true over and over again, "The head of the snake will turn around and bite you on the butt!" That means this person is going to get caught sooner or later and they'll pay heavy for this indiscretion and it will be far worse than you or anyone else can do to them. If you know this person is cheating and you are involved with them, then confront them and have it out, then walk away. The fewer words one can say to the cheater (just give them "the look") carrys more meaning than a thousand useless words that only is laid on deaf ears. I would like you to also think of this .... many people do cheat, but not all the people that cheat are rotten. Some do it knowing they are hurting another person, while others just meet someone and it's by accident. Be careful what you do and say. I am not a great believer in cheating at all and feel once a person has met someone else (even by accident) they should be honest with the person they are dating or married too. There are simply no excuses. My wise father always told me to be careful how I treated others with certain situations because I could be in that situation one day myself. I always listened to these words. "Walk a mile in my shoes" is another good saying. Stay away. Don't get mixed up, and if you must, just tell the person that's cheating you know they are cheating, give them the look and walk away. This way the secret is out, you've said little and they'll sweat bullets. This will be the best pay back you can ever get. Marcy

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Yes. Her name is Laura Frame...they have been together for over a year now i believe

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