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People try to fulfill both with limited resources.

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Fallen Angel

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Tuan Tran

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βˆ™ 2y ago

I don’t know

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Ayden Daves

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βˆ™ 1y ago
Try to know idiot

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Q: What is a major similarity between economic wants and economic needs?
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What were the economic needs between 1664 to 1700?

don't no

What is a link between economic wants and preferences?

A link between economic wants and preferences is always the basic needs that are essential for our daily life. Preferences can be made after defining the economic wants and basic needs of the people involved.

What is an economic needs?

Economic needs are needs that touch on consumer's time and money.

What is the distinction between economic wants and economic needs?

economic wants is something the economy wants as an extra An economic need is something wither a object or servise for the economy to survive! Hope this helps! :)

What is a major difference in economic wants and economic needs?

In Economy, a need is something needed to survive while a want is something that people desire to have, that they may, or may not, be able to obtain.

What is the similarity between a psychologist and a counselor?

Counseling can be a stepping stone to being a psychologist. The difference is the degree. A counselor only needs a masters, while a psychologist needs a doctorate since psychologist are doctors who specify in the study of psychology in whatever area of psychology that they chose to study or practice in. I guess the true similarity in a psychologist and a counselor is that they both study and practice in psychology. A counselor can work for a psychologist. That's about it.

Economic products designed to satisfy people's wants and needs are called?

economic system

What is a economic responsibilities of a parent?

to provide basic economic needs of their children and to earn an income

In a major scale the greatest tension lies between what two tones?

I would say between the 7th and the octave. Play a major scale but stop on the 7th............and wait. Doesn't it feel like it needs to be resolved?

How does tourist satisfy economic needs?

True the the income

What can greece actually do to engineer the economic growth that it desperately needs?

To engineer the economic growth that it desperately needs, Greece can establish and promote sustainable industries in the developing world.

What are the economic functions of the family?

the economic function of the family is the things that the family members wants, their needs and how much they have to get it.