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Q: What Temperature and pressure combine to keep the outer core in a state?
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What state of matter is argon in?

Argon is in the gaseous state at room temperature and pressure.

What is the state of room temperature of gold?

Gold is a solid at Room temperature and pressure.

A state of material depends on this?

This depends on the nature of the material, structure, temperature, pressure.

What is the state of the inner and outer core and why is it this state?

the inner core is in the solid state because of the immence pressure. it doesnt have enough room to expand to a liquid. The outer core is in the liquid state.

What determine the state of a substance?

Temperature and pressure

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Matter changes state because of temperature and pressure. These quantities bring change.

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What two determine the state of a substance?

Temperature and pressure

Change of what causes a change of state?

Temperature or pressure

What changes the state of an element or compound?

Temperature or pressure.

What is the state of sulfur in pressure?

The sentence is meaningless. How much pressure? The temperature is also important.

Is hydrogens natural state a liquid gas or solid?

That would depend on temperature and pressure. At atmospheric pressure and room temperature it will be a gas.