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Wind and water do this.

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1mo ago

Water and wind are two agents of erosion and deposition that sort sediments by particle size through the process of sediment transportation. As water flows or wind blows, sediments of different sizes are carried along and deposited based on their weight and size, resulting in the sorting of particles by size.

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Q: What 2 agents of erosion and deposition sort sediments by particle size?
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Which agents are responsible for the deposition of sediments?

Agents responsible for the deposition of sediments include water (rivers, lakes, oceans), wind, and ice (glaciers). These agents transport and deposit sediment particles, such as sand, silt, and clay, through processes like erosion, transportation, and settling. The specific agent involved depends on the environment and geological context.

What are agents of deposition?

Agents of deposition are natural forces such as wind, water, ice, and gravity that transport and deposit sediments in different locations. These agents play a crucial role in the shaping of Earth's surface through processes like erosion, transportation, and sedimentation.

Agents of deposition?

Agents of deposition include wind, water, ice, and gravity. These agents transport and deposit sediments, shaping landscapes through processes like erosion, transportation, and sedimentation. Deposition plays a crucial role in the formation of landforms such as deltas, beaches, and alluvial plains.

Which factor can transport sediments?

Water, wind, glaciers, and gravity are all factors that can transport sediments. These agents can move sediments from one place to another through erosion and deposition processes.

Where does deposition occur and how does it occur?

Deposition occurs when sediments are deposited or accumulated on the Earth's surface by natural agents such as wind, water, or ice. Some common locations where deposition occurs include river deltas, beaches, floodplains, and glacial moraines. Deposition happens when the transporting agents lose energy and are no longer able to carry the sediments, causing them to settle and accumulate in these areas.

Related questions

Agents of erosion drop sediments they are carrying when their energy is increases or decreases?

When the energy of an agent of erosion decreases, such as when a river slows down or a glacier melts, it drops the sediments it was carrying. This process is known as deposition, where the sediments are deposited in new locations, leading to the formation of new landforms. On the other hand, when the energy of the agent of erosion increases, it can pick up and transport more sediments.

Which agents are responsible for the deposition of sediments?

Agents responsible for the deposition of sediments include water (rivers, lakes, oceans), wind, and ice (glaciers). These agents transport and deposit sediment particles, such as sand, silt, and clay, through processes like erosion, transportation, and settling. The specific agent involved depends on the environment and geological context.

What are agents of deposition?

Agents of deposition are natural forces such as wind, water, ice, and gravity that transport and deposit sediments in different locations. These agents play a crucial role in the shaping of Earth's surface through processes like erosion, transportation, and sedimentation.

Agents of deposition?

Agents of deposition include wind, water, ice, and gravity. These agents transport and deposit sediments, shaping landscapes through processes like erosion, transportation, and sedimentation. Deposition plays a crucial role in the formation of landforms such as deltas, beaches, and alluvial plains.

Which factor can transport sediments?

Water, wind, glaciers, and gravity are all factors that can transport sediments. These agents can move sediments from one place to another through erosion and deposition processes.

The agents of erosion lay down sediment in a new location in process called?

deposition. its easy to remember because its positionwith a de- in front.

Where does deposition occur and how does it occur?

Deposition occurs when sediments are deposited or accumulated on the Earth's surface by natural agents such as wind, water, or ice. Some common locations where deposition occurs include river deltas, beaches, floodplains, and glacial moraines. Deposition happens when the transporting agents lose energy and are no longer able to carry the sediments, causing them to settle and accumulate in these areas.

What are the main agents of weathering eroisionand deposition?

The main agents of weathering are water, wind, ice, and biological activity. Erosion is primarily caused by water, wind, and ice transporting soil and rock particles. Deposition occurs when these agents deposit sediments in new locations, forming features like beaches, deltas, and alluvial plains.

What is the driving force behind weathering and deposition earosion?

The driving force behind weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles due to processes like temperature changes, water, wind, and biological activity. Deposition is often caused by the erosion of rocks and sediments being transported by water, wind, or ice and then being deposited in a new location when these agents lose energy.

Causes of erosion and deposition?

Erosion is typically caused by natural processes like water flow, wind, ice, and gravity that wear away the Earth's surface. Deposition occurs when the agents of erosion slow down and deposit the sediments they carry, such as rivers depositing sediment when they reach a body of water or the wind dropping particles that it can no longer carry. Both erosion and deposition play a vital role in shaping the Earth's surface over time.

The process in which sediments are dropped by wind water ice or gravity?

The process is called deposition, where sediments are deposited or laid down by agents such as wind, water, ice, or gravity. This typically occurs when the energy of the transporting medium decreases, causing the sediment particles to settle out and accumulate in a new location.

What are the major agents causes of erosion and deposition?

Wave action,Moving ice,and running water