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Q: What 2 diseases affect the muscular system?
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2 diseases of the muscular system?

muscular dystrophy poliomyelitis muscular sclerosis

2 diseases of the system and how they affect the system?

polymyositis (directly effect muscle)dematomyositis (directly effect muscle)eaton-lambert syndrome (indirectly)kennedy syndrome (indirectly)myotonic dystrophy (indirectly)tenaie solium infection (directly)duchenne's muscular dystrophybecker's muscular dystrophycarnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiencyYou can go to: to get more information.

What other 2 systrems does the muscular function with?

It can function with the skeletal system and the nervous system.

2 diseases of the circulatory system?

Atherosclerosis and Hypertension.

What are five muscular diseases?

There are far more than five, but five of them would be as follows (in no particular order): 1) Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 2) Myasthenia Gravis 3) Myosarcoma 4) Myoleiosarcoma 5) Alcoholic cardiomyopathy

Name 2 chronic diseases of the immune system?

arthritis thyroid

What are some body systems connected to the circulatory?

The body systems connected to the circulatory system are 1. Respiratory system 2. Digestive system 3. Muscular system

What are 2 human body systems?

There are many human body systems. A few of them are the liquid waste excretory system, solid waste excretory system, skeletal system, muscular system and the digestive system.

What 2 dieseases affect the skeletal system?

osteoporosis and arthritis

What body system helps fight against disease?

The immune system, primarily.The immune system.Really...

What are 3 important nutrients for the muscular system?

1. muscle composition is approximately 70 percent water 2. carbohydrates are fuel for your muscles 3. protein is composed of amino acids, which help to build muscle mass. This is the 3 important nutrients for the muscular system and their values.

The different body system?

1. circulatory system 2. muscular system 3. skeletal system 4. integumentary system 5. excretory system/ urinary system 6. endocrine system 7. nervous system 8. reproductive system 9. respiratory system