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Q: What 2 meanings for race?
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What are the release dates for Race to the Scene - 2013 Race to Terminator 2 and Rush Hour 1-2?

Race to the Scene - 2013 Race to Terminator 2 and Rush Hour 1-2 was released on: USA: 13 June 2013

What are the release dates for Boat Race No- 2 - 1903?

Boat Race No- 2 - 1903 was released on: USA: November 1903

What are the release dates for Wild Kratts - 2011 Race for the Hippo Disc 2-2?

Wild Kratts - 2011 Race for the Hippo Disc 2-2 was released on: USA: 2012 USA: 16 October 2012

What are the ratings and certificates for The Care Bears - 1985 The Great Race 2-3?

The Care Bears - 1985 The Great Race 2-3 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What are the release dates for The Amazing Race - 2001 Divide and Conquer 1-2?

The Amazing Race - 2001 Divide and Conquer 1-2 was released on: USA: 19 September 2001

Related questions

Does the word race have two meanings that are the opposite?

Yes, the word "race" can have opposite meanings. It can refer to a competition involving speed, or it can also refer to a categorization of human beings based on physical characteristics such as skin color, which is often associated with discrimination and inequality.

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yes wash dose have 2 meanings

What 2 words have opposite meanings are spelled differently but pronounced the same?

The words race and car together form the palindrome racecar.

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same, race, game, bout, contest, sport, test, trial.

Defintion of mythology?

Mythology is defined into two meanings. 1) The collecting and study of myths. 2) A collection of myth to a certain peoples or race that is used to address their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

Definition of mythology?

Mythology is defined into two meanings. 1) The collecting and study of myths. 2) A collection of myth to a certain peoples or race that is used to address their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

What are 2 words that have oppesite meanings called?

Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms.

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What is a homonym for to run away?

A homonym for "to run away" is "to run a race." Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings.

What is a word called that has 2 meanings?

A word that has two meanings is called a homonym. These words sound alike or are spelled alike but have different meanings.

How many meanings does bark have?

2 meanings 1) Bark, a sound (eg. A dog barks) 2) Bark on a tree (eg. An oak tree has bark)

PRESENT RESERVE - Do these words 1 have similar meanings 2 have contradictory meanings 3 mean neither the same nor opposite?

No, they do not have similar meanings. Yes, they have contradictory meanings. They mean neither the same nor opposite.