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Q: What 3 fibers make connective tissue?
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3 fibers types found in the connective tissue?

Protein Fibers

What are the 3 major groups of connective tissue?

Epithelial, muscle, and nervous. Disagree- the 3 subgroups are: loose, dense, and connective tissue with special properties. Subgroups within dense are: dense irregular, in which the extracellular fibers are interwoven in disordered fashion, and dense irregular, in which the extracellular fibers are in parallel bundles. Subgroups in the special properties connective tissue are named to indicate the identifying feature, such as mucous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue or reticular connective tissue.

Name the 3 types of fibers in areolar connective tissue?

the three basic types of fibers that are found in connective tissue are collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers

Has numerous collagen fibers that give strength to skin?

Abundant collagenous and elastic fibers are found in the dermis. They are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

How do loose and connective tissue differ?

Loose Connective Tissue consists of a lot of ground substance and it has all 3 types of protein fibers. Dense Connective Tissue on the other hand has little ground substance, few cells, and although it has most protein fibers it mainly consists of collagen fibers.

What three things does connective tissue contain?

Connective tissue can contain more than 3 things. However, to have a broad general view, connective tissue proper always consists of 1. cells 2. extracellular fibers and 3. a ground substance that the extracellular fibers are embedded in. The types of cells are several. The extracellular fibers have been classified and subclassified into a great number of categories. The ground substance also varies greatly from one region of the body to another.

What are the types of dense connective tissues?

a. loose connective tissue 1. aerolalar connective tissue 2.adipose tissue 3.retigular connective tissue b. Dense connective tissue 1.dense irregular connective tissue 2.dense regular connective tissue 3.elastic connective tissue

What are the 3 parts common to all connective tissues?

The features that all connective tissues share in common isFibroblasts. Fibroblasts are typically responsible for the formation of the acellular matrix.Connective tissues that have this common trait include bone and cartilage, but exclude blood (which meets all the connective tissue criteria) and loose connective tissue.^True, but I think what he's looking for is this:o Common origin - all arise from mesenchyme (an embryonic tissue)o Degrees of vascularity - cartilage = avascular, dense connective tissue = poorly vasculated,o Extracellular matrix - comprised of nonliving extracellular matrix

Most abundant tissue in the body?

Connective tissue ( . )( . )

What kinds of cells make up connective tissue?

Blood Cells: 1) Fibroblasts = produce fibers 2) Macrophage = they are phagocytic 3) Adipose = fat cells 4) Mast cells = histamines 5) White blood cells = fight infection 6) Mesenchymal cells = undifferentiated embryonic cells

What is the General organization of a muscle belly?

The muscle belly is the main bulk of the muscle, made up of many layers of tissue surrounded by fascia (sheets of connective tissue running throughout your body). The structure of a muscle, from macro (large) to micro (small) is: 1. muscle belly - a bundle of fascicles 2. fascicle - a bundle of fibers 3. fiber - a muscle cell (bundle of myofibrils) 4. myofibril - a bundle of myofilaments 5. filament - actin & myosin proteins The fascia in the muscle, called deep fascia (as opposed to superficial fascia which lies just beneath the skin) has 3 layers: 1. epimysium - an overcoat of dense connective tissue surrounding the entire muscle 2. perimysium - fibrous connective tissue that surrounds each fascicle (bundle of muscle fibers) 3. endomysium - sheath of connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber

What 3 things make up the skeletal system?

bones, cartilage, and connective tissue according to a 7th grade science book