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Most ATP is synthesized from ADP and inorganic phosphate by ATP synthase (FoF1, or F-type ATPase). This enzyme is present in mitochondria, in chloroplasts and in bacteria.

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anaerobic respiration

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Q: What ATP making process creates the most ATP?
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The process of chemiosmosis is for making molecules of?

The process of chemiosmosis is for making molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy carrier in cells. It involves the movement of protons across a membrane, usually the inner mitochondrial membrane or the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts, to generate ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. This process relies on the proton gradient created by electron transport chains during cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

How many total ATP does aerobic produce?

The total process creates a total of 36 to 38 ATP. The process of glycolosis creates 2 atp and also 2 molecules of pyruvic acid to go to the citric acid cycle of the Kreb's Cycle. In the crebs cycle, 2 atp is made. The last process is the electron transport chain or ETC for short. In this process, 32 to 34 molecules are made.

How can ADP be ''recycled'' to from ATP again?

ADP can form ATP again by bonding with another phosphate. This process creates a renewable cycle of ATP formation and breakdown

What process occurs in the miochondria?

The Kreb's cycle also called the Citric acid cycle - a process that creates ATP.

What is the trash product of making ATP?

it depends on what process

Most cells make most of their ATP via a process called what?

Chemiosmosis is a process where cells make the MOST out of their ATP

Which cell organelle is responsible for making most of the cell's ATP?

Glucose is responsible for synthesizing most of the human body cells. The process of synthesizing is known as ATP synthesis.

The most atp is produced when a process is what?

ATP is produced in the cell while it is going through the process of Interphase.

Where in the process of cellular respiration does ATP synthase make ATP?

ATP synthase is involved in making ATP + P at the membrane in the mitochondria. This occurs at the beginning of the Krebs cycle.

The most ATP is produced when a process is?


In which process is the most ATP produced?


What are enzymes that creates ATP called?

ATP Synthase