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He sees himself as king (apex)

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Q: What Best describes Crusoe's view of himself in relation to the island?
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What are 3 of Robinson Crusoes adventures?

Some of Robinson Crusoe's adventures include being shipwrecked on a deserted island, surviving on the island for several years by himself, and eventually befriending a native named Friday.

Where was Robinson Crusoes island?

Robinson Crusoe's island, where he was marooned in the novel by Daniel Defoe, is fictional. However, the story was inspired by the real-life experiences of sailor Alexander Selkirk, who was stranded on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific Ocean.

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In "Robinson Crusoe," the antagonist can be seen as nature itself, with Crusoe struggling to survive in the hostile environment of the deserted island. Other antagonists include the cannibals he encounters and the mutinous sailors from his own ship.

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What actors and actresses appeared in The Island - 2001?

The cast of The Island - 2001 includes: Tom Hanks as himself Robert Zemeckis as himself

What statement best describes Friday's ranking on the island?

Friday is A servant to Crusoe but a master of island life

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