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With regard to temples, the Romans built them in the style of the Greeks. They adopted the three orders (styles) for making columns, which they sued for their temples and porticoes: Dorian, Ionian and Corinthian. They also developed the composite style, which combined elements of two orders.

Apart from the above, Roman architecture was essentially Roman. The Romans effected what historians called the Roman architectural revolution. This was based on (Roman) concrete and the first large scale use of monumental barrel (or simple) arches and the vaulted arch (or vault). Concrete provided a tough, durable and cheaper material. The arch has a great load bearing capacity and the vault is suited to sustain large roofs. These elements enabled the Romans to go beyond the post-and-lintel method of enclosing space of the Greeks. It made the construction of such a gigantic structure as the Colosseum possible. The arch was also used for bridge construction and enabled the Romans to build much longer bridges.

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Q: What Civilization most influenced the idea and architecture of the Romans?
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