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Q: What Did Miss Spider Give James in James and the Giant Peach?
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Were can you find a genetically modified spider that would give you Spider-Man powers?

america becareful though may kill the life out of u it might give u pwers

How many eggs can a spider lay?

usually 25-35 eggs at once Scorpions do not lay eggs. They give live birth to little scorpions.

What is LeBron James' bath home address?

LeBron James does not give out his home address to the general public. As of September 2014, he is living in Cleveland, OH. He also has a home in Florida.

Do spiders bite people to become Spider-Man?

no bites a dangerous. i think taking so dna from a spider. like put it in a needle. put the spider blood in the needle. inject it in your brain. it will give you microscopic hairs the length of needles on you hands. you'll probally get spider sense. you wont get any jumping or swinging abillities. i suggest goin to gymnastic lessons or search stuff on youtube. you'll only need to jump six feet. and also go with the comics and make web shooters. im still working on that. and yeah

Unlock spider man cheat for Super Hero Squad?

there are 2 ways to unlock spiderman by code or by playing single get him by single player get 6 coins in each level.and to get him by code is. well before i tell you it is not those stupid people that give you the codes to the game with black spiderman on the front so this is the code to the game that has the red spiderman.the code isdrum roll please bum bum bum bum 467589You have to collect the six tokens in each level to unlock Spider-Man. To Unlock Spider-Man in Battle the Code is (925678)* 925678 is only for the Wal-Mart version for Wii and Nintendo DS.To Unlock Spider-Man in Battle the Code is (925627)You have to collect the six tokens in each level to unlock Spider-Man.To Unlock Spider-Man in Battle the Code is (925678)* 925678 is only for the Wal-Mart version for Wii and Nintendo DS.

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What does the spider give James in James and the Giant Peach?

Read the book nimrod!

Can you give me a sentence with kilogram in it?

One kilogram is equivalent to approximately 2.2 pounds.

Does Mario kiss Peach?

Mario never kisses Peach, but Peach will often give Mario a peck on the cheek, usually just after she has been rescued.

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642 are in the game but every 30 days a giant golden spider thing *forgot name* will come out of the sky and give u alot of bonusses

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Princess Peach has not yet officially been confirmed to have any kids.

How do you beat 8-2 in super scrible nauts?

First give him your hammer then give him a poisonous sword then give him a giant axe or a giant flame thrower will work then give him a giant ice gun then last you give him a giant good sword or battle axe that should get you the starite

Does the female spider eats the dead spider or she gives the dead spider to her baby spiders?

she give it to her babys

is it safe to give a spider spider vein tretment?

No it is not safe to give your pet spider a spider vein treatment. Spider vein treatments are not meant for your pet spider and could seriously harm your pet. These treatments are meant for humans only unless specifically stated by your doctor to use it otherwise.

Could you give a sentence with Giant in it?

"The giant stomped on Mark and crushed him."

Can spider bites give you gangrene?


How much does a spider give birth to?


How do you give a spider water?

drown it in a cup.