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Q: What European nation decided to challenge the Mississippi river control?
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Tennessee and Mississippi ended at the Mississippi River, so Arkansas started from there.

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It was when what ever general it was decided to lead his troops up throughout the Mississippi up the river through confederate towns and forts only to turn back around and catch them off gaurd. Also the Siege of Vicksburg was when they took the last city/fort on the mississippi

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Bobby Kennedy was originally from Massachusetts but was a senator from New York when he decided to challenge Johnson for the presidency.

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the french and Indian war (1754-1763) gave the English control over much of North America.

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The Supreme Court heard and decided on the Affordable Care Act in July 2012, but presidents have no control over when or if the Court will hear a case. That is totally the Court's decision, as part of our government's separation of powers. As it turns out, the Court decided to hear a challenge to the act, but it wasn't till the end of this current session that they finally ruled on it, deciding it was in fact constitutional.

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Nobody sent Tybalt. Tybalt sent Tybalt. Why? Because he's decided he doesn't like Romeo and Capulet stopped him from fighting at the Capulet party in Act 1 Scene 5. Tybalt has decided to take matters into his own hands by issuing the challenge.

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To enable strategy for development of the EU to be decided at highest level.

As of 2009 which countries decided not to join the European Monetary Union?

United kingdom and Sweden

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yes, there will be a season 3. Extravagant challenge was discontinued so the network decided to do the third season.

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The answer is that they settled there because there was lots of water there