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Taj Mahal

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Q: What Indian mausoleum is believed the most perfectly symmetric building in the world?
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What is a mausoleum on the Sims 3?

The mausoleum is the building in the graveyard.

What is a mousaliam?

if you mean a mausoleum, a mausoleum is a grand building housing (a) tomb(s)

Does the Taj Mahal have precious stones?

No, it is a building. A mausoleum.

How was the temple of mausoleum distroyed?

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was destroyed by a series of earthquakes in the medieval period, leading to its eventual ruin. Additional damage was inflicted by various conquerors who repurposed its stone for other construction projects. The ruins of the Mausoleum were eventually quarried for building materials, contributing to its disappearance over time.

What is the greatest building of world which was considered as love?

That would be the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum which was created by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.

What does mossilium mean?

The correct spelling is "mausoleum," and Google defines it as "a building, esp. a large and stately one, housing a tomb or tombs"

Where is the Castel Sant'Angelo?

The Castel Sant'Angelo, also known as the Castle of the Holy Angel, is an old building in Rome Italy. At first the building was a mausoleum, then it homed popes, and now it is a very popular museum.

How do you create mausoleums?

A mausoleum is a building constructed for the purpose of housing the remains of a person or a group of people. It is usually built as part of a larger cemetery.

What was the purpose of the mausoleum?

it was built as a tomb for Mausolus and Artemesia between 353 to 350BC

Do authorities need a court order to enter a private mausoleum even if no one is yet interred there The mausoleum is in a cemetery but privately owned?

This will depend on: Why they are entering. What the Law is on the reason they are entering What agency they represent. As this is a building, the building inspector, electrical inspector, and any other applicable inspecter must be allowed acess at his conveniance. The Police must meet the requirements of "Probable Cause" or have a Warrant.

What did Egyptians get for building pyramids?

It is believed that they are just tombs.

What is the main attraction of taj mahal?

The main attraction of Taj Mahal is the building itself. It is one of India's most popular attraction that is immense in white marble mausoleum.