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Q: What Instrument that photographs light wavelengths to find movement in space objects?
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Instrument that photographs light wavelengths to find movements of space objects?


What instrument photographs light wavelengths to find movements of space objects?

Spectrograph for anyone using the Basic Skills/ Earth and Space Science workbooks!

What color are objects that absorb all colors that reflects little light?

Black objects absorb all or most of the visible wavelengths of light, whereas white objects reflect all wavelengths. When all visible wavelengths (violet to red) enter the eye in equal proportions, the color is perceived as white. When no wavelengths reach the eye, the color is perceived as black. Every other color is a mixture of this continuum of wavelengths.

What do mirrors and other objects do pertaining to light?

Mirrors and other objects reflect light, though most objects absorb some wave lengths and reflect others and black absorbs all wavelengths and white reflects all wavelengths.

How do opaque objects get their colors?

Reflects, other wavelengths (colours) are absorbed

Claymation is?

stop-motion animation created with photographs of clay objects.

Movement of objects used to do work is?

Movement of objects used to do work is motion energy.

What is a kinetograph?

an apparatus for taking a series of photographs of moving objects for examination with the kinetoscope

How the eye sees objects?

The light bounces off objects and then is delivered to your eye, and then the brain scans it. You can see color because the different wavelengths of light have different color - longer wavelengths are warm colors (red, yellow, orange, and similar colors) and shorter wavelengths are cool colors (blue, green, indigo, brown, etc).

Why are objects the color that they are?

Visual perception is a result of light being detected by your retina at the back of your eye. Light of different wavelengths determines colour. Objects that are a specific colour absorb light of certain wavelengths and reflect light at other wavelengths. So if an object is green that is because it is absorbing the red and blue light and reflecting green.

What are objects that are art?

Sculpting, paintings, photographs or anything that is your creation and you expressed yourself through.

Why are some photographs of moving objects clear enough?

A fast shutter speed enables a photographer to capture clear images of moving objects.