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It sounds like an order that might have been given in Egypt.

As the answer looks unfinished, I would like to improve it as follows:

Indeed that order was given in Egypt during the Napoleonic Campaign of Egypt.

The Battle, a decisive French victory was fought on July, 21st 1798 and is known as "Battle of the Pyramids" because from the battlefield the Pyramids' profiles could be indistinctly seen at a distance of 25 Kilometres. It opened the way to the seizing of Cairo City.

The order "Forméz les carrés, les anes et les savants au centre" ("Form squares, the donkeys and the scientists in the center") remarked the importance of protecting both the most menials but indispensables for the survival of the army in that sourceless, without roads and hostile country because they were carrying water, provisions, tools and munitions and the ineffective but indispensables teams for the scientific tasks which they had been entrusted by Napoleon, with the endorsement of the French government.

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Q: What Napoleonic battle was given the command form squares the donkeys and the scientists in the center?
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