

What Opposite meaning?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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6y ago

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The word "opposite" means having a quality or condition that is the reverse of another quality, being completely different or contradictory.

Examples would be UP as the opposite of DOWN, WET as the opposite of DRY, BALD as the opposite of HAIRY, or NEGATIVE charge as the opposite of POSITIVE charge. Not all words or conditions can have a true opposite, and some concepts can only be opposite in one sense or with respect to one property.

The term for words that have the opposite meaning (or nearly so) is antonyms.


The word opposite can also mean across from, as on the other side of a table, the other side of a room, or the other side of a street.

An opposite is something completely different from something else in some manner. The concepts of hot and cold are opposites, as are up and down. In physics, the opposite of a positive charge is a negative charge, and in some cases these types of opposites may cancel each other out.

In human behavior, an opposite of someone is one whose qualities or social tendencies are very different in some ways (e.g. introvert/extrovert, optimist/pessimist).

The word for words that mean the opposite of each other, or nearly so, is antonym. An antonym of tall may be short, and an antonym of large can be small. Some words have very specific meanings, or more than one meaning, and may have more than one antonym.

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Connor Lakin

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Shane Gerhold

Lvl 13
1y ago

resistance expressed in an action or argument. resistance, hostility, objection, etc.

1. (n.)opposition

the action of opposing, resisting, or combating.

2. opposition

antagonism or hostility.

3. opposition

a person or group of people opposing, criticizing, or protesting something, someone, or another group.

4. opposition

(sometimes cap.) the major political party opposed to the party in power and seeking to replace it.

5. opposition

the act of placing opposite, or the state or position of being placed opposite.

6. opposition

the act of opposing, or the state of being opposed by way of comparison or contrast.

7. opposition

the relation between two propositions in logic that have the same subject and predicate, but which differ inquantity or quality, or in both.

8. opposition

the situation of two heavenly bodies when their longitudes or right ascensions differ by 180°:

The moon is in opposition to the sun when the earth is directly between them.

9. opposition

the relationship between two alternative units within a linguistic system.

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