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The revolutionaries in Paris gave the Pantheon its name which is of Roman origin and means "Temple of all the Gods."

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The revolutionaries in Paris referred to the Catholic church as "Pantheon," which means temple for all the gods. This name was given during the French Revolution in the late 18th century as part of the effort to secularize the church and create a space to honor important French figures.

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Q: What Revolutionaries in Paris gave the Catholice church this pagan name which means temple for all the gods?
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Where can the relics of Saint Genevieve be found?

The revolutionaries of 1793 destroyed most of the relics preserved in St. Genevieve's church, and the rest were cast to the winds by the mob in 1871. Fortunately, however, a large relic had been kept at Verneuil, Oise, France, in the eighteenth century, and is still extant.

What were the roles did the church played in education the middle ages?

In the Middle Ages, the church played a prominent role in education. Monasteries and cathedral schools were centers of learning, where monks and clerics taught subjects like theology, philosophy, and Latin. The church also established universities, such as the University of Paris, which became hubs of intellectual inquiry and scholarship. Additionally, the church emphasized the importance of education for clergy members and promoted the spread of literacy among the general population through the creation of schools and the copying of manuscripts.

Where did Saint Francis Xavier go to school?

Saint Francis Xavier studied at the University of Paris in France where he obtained his Master's degree in Arts.

Where did Christian Dior study?

Christian Dior studied political science at the Sciences Po in Paris before starting his career in fashion.

Did Ignatius of Loyola study in Paris?

Ignatius of Loyla spent the later part of the 1530s at the University of Paris studying theology and various prerequisite topics like Latin grammar and philosophy. While there, he had as roommates St. Peter Faber and St. Francis Xavier. It was during his studies in Paris that he gathered six others to set out as missionaries to the Holy Land; failing that, to go to Rome and submit themselves to the pope for service (individually, though, not as a religious congregation). He developed his Spiritual Exercises during this time.

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Revolutionaries in Paris gave the Catholic Church this pagan name which meant temple for all the gods?

I Belive it was the revolutionary court :)

What revolutionaries in Paris gave the Catholic Church this pagan name which means temple of the gods?

The Cathedral of Notre Dame was called the Temple of Reason, and the Church of the Madeleine was given the pagan name the Pantheon ("all the gods") and made a burial place for national heroes. from History of the Catholic Church from the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium, by James Hitchcock, Imprimatur: The Most Reverend Edward Rice, © 2012 by Ignatius Press, San Francisco

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La Madelaine is a Roman Catholic church located in Paris. The church is built in the Neo-Classical style and was inspired by a Roman temple. It is approximately two hundred years old.

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Rome is in Italy and Paris is in France.

Is there a Mormon temple in Paris?

Not yet. You can find your mearest temple on googlemaps by typing LDS temple in the search field.

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Notre-Dame de Paris

What famous church overlooks seine river in Paris?

Notre-Dame de Paris

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The red white a blur ribbon that the french revolutionaries adopted as their symbol?

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