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suffix pertaining to an attraction is -phil and -philic

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The suffix is -tion, which basically means "the action or instance of (base word)ing". Attraction is the action or instance of attracting

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I like big boobies... Like a boss

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Q: What Suffix means attraction to something?
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The suffix that means "to make" is "-ify." It is added to the end of a word to indicate the action of making something. For example, "simplify" means to make something simpler, and "purify" means to make something pure.

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"Criticism" does not have a prefix or suffix. It is a standalone word that means the act of analyzing, evaluating, or judging something.

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The suffix "boun" typically means something is ready, inclined, or likely to do something. For example, "adventure" means someone is eager or ready to venture out.

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