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As temperature increase the speed and energy of molecules increase and the collisions are more probable.

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Q: What a does a temperature increase cause the rate of a reaction to increase?
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An increase in temperature will cause the rate of a chemical reaction to?

Increasing the temperature the dissolving rate increase.

How does a temperature increase cause the rate of a reaction rate to increase?

It increases the kinetic energy of the molecules (APEX)

How does temperature increase cause the rate of reaction to increase?

The movement of molecules and collisions are increased at high temperature.

What does a temperature increase cause the rate of a reaction to increase?

As temperature increase the speed and energy of molecules increase and the collisions are more probable.

How does temperature increase cause the rate of a reaction to increase?

It increases the kinetic energy of the molecules (APEX)

What happens to the rate constant of a chemical reaction when the temperature increases?

Increasing the temperature will cause there to be an increase in kinetic energy. This results in an increase in collision frequency, and eventually an increase in rate of reaction as well.

What does temperature have on reaction rate?

An increase in temperature speeds up the reaction rate.

How does temperature affects the order of a reaction?

as temperature increase the rate of the reaction increase because ther is an increase in the kinetic energy causeing the molecules to move more rapidly cause a increase in collision.

What effect temperature have on reaction rate?

An increase in temperature speeds up the reaction rate.

Is temperature essential in determining the reaction rate?

yes, as the reaction rate increases with increase in the temperature

How do changes in temperature affect the rate of a reaction?

An increase of temperature increase the rate of a reaction.

How does heat affect the rate of the reaction?

Increasing the temperature the reaction rate increase.