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An example of unbalanced force causing a change in motion is when a person pushes a book across a table. The force exerted by the person is greater than the force of friction between the book and the table, causing the book to accelerate in the direction of the push.

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Q: What a example of unbalanced force that caused a change in motion?
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Is change an object's motion balanced or unbalanced force?

A change in an object's motion can be caused by both balanced and unbalanced forces. Balanced forces result in no change in motion, while unbalanced forces cause acceleration or deceleration in the object's motion.

What is an example of a unbalanced force causing to change in motion?


Is an unbalanced desk an example of an unbalanced force?

No, an unbalanced desk is not an example of an unbalanced force. An unbalanced force refers to a force that causes motion or a change in motion, while an unbalanced desk is simply an object that is not level.

Give an example of an unbalanced force causing a change in motion?

friction :)

What is any change in motion caused by?

Any change in motion is caused by a force acting on an object. When an unbalanced force is applied to an object, it will accelerate or decelerate, leading to a change in its motion.

What is caused by an unbalanced force?

An unbalanced force can cause an object to accelerate or change its direction of motion. It can also cause an object to deform or break if the force is strong enough.

Is it true that an unbalanced force will not change and objects motion?

yes every unbalanced force can change or "try to change (can be or cannot be)" the state of rest or motion

Do a unbalanced force cause a change in motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force will cause an object to accelerate or change its velocity, resulting in a change in motion. The direction of the acceleration will be in the same direction as the unbalanced force.

Can change an objects motion?

unbalanced force(:

Is change in anobjet's motion anunbalanced force?

Not exactly. 'Motion' or 'change of motion' are not force. But the only way to change an object's motion is to cause the group of forces on it to be unbalanced. If the object's motion is changing, then you can be sure that the group of forces acting on it is unbalanced.

How do unbalanced forces acting on an object its motion?

Balanced forces do not change its motion (no acceleration). Unbalanced forces changes the motion of the object (acceleration).

Does an unbalanced force change an objects motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force. If the force is greater than the object's inertia, it can also cause the object to change its velocity or direction of motion.