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All particles of a strong acid are ionized (protolysis) when dissolving in more water (dilute solutions)

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1w ago

A strong acid completely dissociates into ions in water. For example, hydrochloric acid (HCl) dissociates into H+ and Cl- ions. Therefore, for each molecule of a strong acid dissolved in water, it will break apart into two ions - one positively charged and one negatively charged.

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Q: What a strong acid dissolves in waterhow many molecules break apart?
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What Happens As Sugar Dissolves?

When sugar dissolves in water, the sucrose molecules break apart into individual sugar molecules. These individual sugar molecules become surrounded by water molecules, forming a homogeneous mixture called a solution. This process does not change the chemical composition of the sugar, it simply disperses it evenly throughout the water.

Why does acetone dissolve styrofoam?

Acetone dissolves styrofoam because it is a strong organic solvent that breaks down the polymer chains in the styrofoam. This process causes the styrofoam to break apart and eventually dissolve in the acetone.

When a sodium hydroxide dissolves in water is it a chemical change?

When sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, it undergoes a physical change as the sodium hydroxide molecules split apart into ions, which are then surrounded by water molecules. This process does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the sodium hydroxide molecule itself.

Why do large groups of sugar molecules break apart in water?

Large groups of sugar molecules break apart in water due to the solvent properties of water. The polar nature of water molecules interacts with the polar components of sugar molecules, causing them to dissolve and separate into individual sugar molecules. This process is known as hydration.

Why potassium iodide dissolves in water?

Potassium iodide dissolves in water due to the ionic interaction between the potassium and iodide ions with water molecules. The polar nature of water molecules allows them to surround and separate the ions in the solid potassium iodide, causing it to break apart and dissolve in water.

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What kind of solution do all the molecules of an acid break apart in water?

When an acid dissolves in water, the molecules of the acid break apart into ions. Specifically, the acid molecules donate protons (H+ ions) to the water molecules, resulting in the formation of hydronium ions (H3O+) and negatively charged ions from the acid. This process is called ionization or dissociation.

What Happens As Sugar Dissolves?

When sugar dissolves in water, the sucrose molecules break apart into individual sugar molecules. These individual sugar molecules become surrounded by water molecules, forming a homogeneous mixture called a solution. This process does not change the chemical composition of the sugar, it simply disperses it evenly throughout the water.

Why does acetone dissolve styrofoam?

Acetone dissolves styrofoam because it is a strong organic solvent that breaks down the polymer chains in the styrofoam. This process causes the styrofoam to break apart and eventually dissolve in the acetone.

When an acid or base dissolves in water what is the dependent on the number of molecules that break apart?

You think probable to dissociation constant.

When NaCI dissolves in water does it give ions or molecules or both?

When NaCl dissolves in water, it dissociates into its constituent ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) ions. This process forms a solution of ions in water rather than individual NaCl molecules.

In what kind of solution do all the molecules of an acid break apart in water?

strong acid

Why do large groups of sugar molecules break apart in water?

Large groups of sugar molecules break apart in water due to the solvent properties of water. The polar nature of water molecules interacts with the polar components of sugar molecules, causing them to dissolve and separate into individual sugar molecules. This process is known as hydration.

Why potassium iodide dissolves in water?

Potassium iodide dissolves in water due to the ionic interaction between the potassium and iodide ions with water molecules. The polar nature of water molecules allows them to surround and separate the ions in the solid potassium iodide, causing it to break apart and dissolve in water.

What happens when glucose dissolves in water?

When glucose dissolves in water, the glucose molecules break apart and become surrounded by water molecules, forming a homogeneous solution. This process is known as hydration, where water molecules form hydrogen bonds with the glucose molecules, allowing the glucose to be evenly distributed throughout the water.

How is the dissolving process of sugar and salt different?

When sugar dissolves in water, the sugar molecules break apart and disperse evenly throughout the water due to their polar nature. Salt dissolves in water through a process called ionization, where the sodium and chloride ions separate and mix with the water molecules. Sugar dissolves faster in water than salt because sugar molecules are smaller and have less charge.

What is known as the separation of ions that occur when an ionic compound dissolves in a solution?

The separation of ions when an ionic compound dissolves in a solution is known as dissociation. In this process, the ionic compound breaks apart into its constituent ions in the aqueous solution due to the interaction with the solvent molecules.

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