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Doesn't exist. D=500, I=1, L=50. It doesn't make scence!

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Q: What a value of DILL from roman number?
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What is The Roman value of 10 in Roman numerics?

I hope I understand your question correctly. In Roman numerals: Our letter "X" is the symbol used for the Roman number 10. Our letter "I" is the symbol used for the Roman number 1. Our letter "V" is the symbol used for the Roman number 5. To write a number in Roman numerals, you use a combination of these letters. For example: For Roman numeral 9, it would be "IX", for Roman numeral 11, it would be "XI". For Roman numeral 4, it would be "IV", and for Roman numeral 6, it would be "VI". For Roman numeral 3, it would be "III". In other words, the letter(s) before the last letter are subtracted from the last letter (unless the first value is greater than the next value), and the letters after the first letters are added to the first letter (unless the first value is NOT greater than the next value).