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The common abbreviations for state are (s) for solid, (g) for gas, (l) for liquid, and (aq) for aqueous solution. Of these, (aq) and (s) are likely to be the important ones for precipitation. Sometimes a down arrow is used to emphasize that a precipitate is formed.

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The abbreviation for the physical state of a precipitation reaction is (s) for solid.

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Q: What abbreviation of the physical state for a precipitation reaction?
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While reading an equation Susanne notices the abbreviation aq after several of the compounds she remberbers that this symbol indicates that those compounds?

The "aq" abbreviation in an equation indicates that the compounds are dissolved in water, meaning they are aqueous solutions. This helps to clarify the physical state of the substances within the chemical reaction.

What happens when a physical reaction occurs?

During a physical reaction, the arrangement of atoms and molecules changes, but no new substances are formed. This means that the chemical composition remains the same before and after the reaction. Examples of physical reactions include changes in state (solid to liquid, liquid to gas) or changes in shape.

Why are state symbols used in a chemical equations?

State symbols in chemical equations are used to indicate the physical state of the substances involved (solid, liquid, gas, or aqueous solution). This information is important because the physical state can affect the reaction conditions and the behavior of the substances in the reaction. Including state symbols provides a more complete and accurate representation of the chemical reaction.

Is a root beer foat a chemical or physical reaction?

A root beer float involves a physical reaction. The carbonation of the root beer combines with the texture of the ice cream to create bubbles and foam, but no new substances are formed.

Why it is necessary to mention physical states of reactants and products in thermochemical equation?

Including the physical states of reactants and products in a thermochemical equation is important because it provides additional information about the conditions under which the reaction occurs. The physical state can impact the enthalpy change of the reaction, as different phases have different enthalpies of formation. It helps to ensure that the reaction is balanced and allows for a more accurate determination of the heat transferred in the reaction.

Related questions

Is water a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Water is not a reaction at all. If you mean to ask if a state change in water is chemical or physical, it is physical.

What is the change in a state of mater from a gas to a liquid?

precipitation. I think it's condensation. Precipitation (in chemistry) is the condensation of a liquid to a solid during a chemical reaction.

Is gas turning into liquid a solid physical orchemical change?

No. State change is a physical reaction.

While reading an equation Susanne notices the abbreviation aq after several of the compounds she remberbers that this symbol indicates that those compounds?

The "aq" abbreviation in an equation indicates that the compounds are dissolved in water, meaning they are aqueous solutions. This helps to clarify the physical state of the substances within the chemical reaction.

What is Indiana's state abbreviation?

IN is the abbreviation for the state of Indiana.

What happens when a physical reaction occurs?

During a physical reaction, the arrangement of atoms and molecules changes, but no new substances are formed. This means that the chemical composition remains the same before and after the reaction. Examples of physical reactions include changes in state (solid to liquid, liquid to gas) or changes in shape.

Is a root beer foat a chemical or physical reaction?

A root beer float involves a physical reaction. The carbonation of the root beer combines with the texture of the ice cream to create bubbles and foam, but no new substances are formed.

What state has the abbreviation AB?

None. But it is the abbreviation of Alberta, a Canadian province.

What state has abbreviation AHO?

It is not a state abbreviation in the US.

Why is being flammable a chemical property rather than a physical property?

Physical properties of an element are those in which there is no change in its state. For example, the color and density of an element are physical properties. If an element is flammable, it goes through a reaction and burns, and there is a change in state. When there is a reaction that results in a change of state, Flammability is a chemical property.

What is the abbreviation of Missouri state?

The abbreviation for the state of Missouri is MO.

How is a chemical reaction different from a physical reaction?

A chemical reaction changes the actual chemical make-up of a molecule while a physical reaction only changed the physical state of a molecule, the atomic make-up in the molecule stays the same. (ex: H20(l) ---heat--> H20(g))