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t Answer Well firstly, ionic compounds form from metals bonding with non metals. Molecular/covalent form from non metals bonding with non metals. A strong electrostatic force between ionic compounds results in them having high melting points. A weaker electrostatic force between molecular compounds results in them having lower melting points and thus weaker bonds. Ionic compounds are made up of ions, so will conduct electricity. Covalent compounds only share electrons and so are not ions, and will not conduct electricity.

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1w ago

The differences in properties of ionic and molecular compounds are primarily due to their chemical bonding. Ionic compounds have strong electrostatic forces between ions, leading to higher melting and boiling points, while molecular compounds have weaker intermolecular forces resulting in lower melting and boiling points. Additionally, ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water or melted, while molecular compounds generally do not.

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13y ago

Metals share properties such as: malleability, conductivity, strength and hardness. The reason properties of metals are different is because of metallic bonding. metals are made up of positively charged metal ions in a sea of delocalised electrons. This gives them the properties listed above. Ionic and molecular compounds are bonded in different ways. e.d ionic compounds are bonded in a rigid structure so it is brittle and non conductive

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Q: What accounts for the observed differences in the properties of ionic and molecular compounds?
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What accounts for the observed differences in ionic and molecular compounds properties?

The differences in properties between ionic and molecular compounds are primarily due to the nature of their chemical bonding. Ionic compounds have strong electrostatic attractions between oppositely charged ions, leading to high melting and boiling points, as well as conductivity in solution. In contrast, molecular compounds have weaker intermolecular forces, resulting in lower melting and boiling points, and most are not conductive in solution.

What is electron multiplicity?

Electron multiplicity is a term used in molecular orbital theory to describe the total number of electrons in a system. It accounts for the number of electrons involved in bonding and non-bonding interactions within the molecule or ion. The electron multiplicity influences the molecular structure and properties of the species.

When a substace is heated how does the molecular motion change?

When a substance is heated, the molecules within it absorb energy and increase their kinetic energy, causing them to move more rapidly. This increased molecular motion leads to increased collisions between molecules and a higher overall temperature of the substance.

What are the two most abundant compounds in our present atmosphere?

The two most abundant compounds in Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen gas (N2) and oxygen gas (O2). Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere, while oxygen accounts for roughly 21%.

Water has several unique properties such as high boiling point high surface tension and low vapor pressure The type of attraction that best accounts for these unique properties is?

The hydrogen bonding between water molecules best accounts for these unique properties. Hydrogen bonding is a strong intermolecular force that occurs between the slightly positive hydrogen atoms of one water molecule and the slightly negative oxygen atoms of neighboring water molecules. This bonding leads to high boiling point, high surface tension, and low vapor pressure in water.