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Q: What acid's alkalis does toothpaste contain?
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Does toothpaste contain acids or alkalis?

Most toothpastes contain alkalis , however some can contain acids.

What do alkalis do to acids?

Alkali's neutralise acids. For example, toothpaste is an alkali that neutralises acid in the mouth.

Are alkalis and acids dangerous?

Acids and alkalis with a high pH (1 or 2 for acids and 14 or 15 for alkalis) can be dangerous, like hydrochloric acid which can cause damage to the skin if contact with the acid is made. Acids and alkalis with a low pH (5 for acids and 11 for alkalis) aren't dangerous, as vinegar is an acid with that pH and toothpaste is an alkali.

What are the acids and alkalis in toothpaste?

Toothpaste contains metal silicides, which are alkali based! Hope that helped!

Which acid does not contain H ion?

All acids contain H+ but stronger acids contain more than weaker acids. Alkalis contain OH-. In stronger alkalis there is more OH- and in weaker, there is less. This is why pH7 is neutral - the H+ and the OH- form H2O which is a neutral substance.

How are acids and alkalis useful?

hydroochloric acid helps ffight germs in ya stomach..and bases are usedd in toothpaste to fight tooth decay caused by acids

Do acids counteract alkalis?

Yes, acids neutralize alkalis and inverse.

Where can Neutralization be useful?

You can use base toothpaste to brush your teeth as your teeth contain an acid which means when you are cleaning your teeth the base of the toothpaste mixes with the acid of your teeth equalling a neutralisation.

Why acids are useful?

Otherwise we would have nothing to neutralise alkalis with, the whole would be alkalis rather than acids and alkalis.

Household acids and alkalis?

households acids and alkalis is formic acid and syitric acid

Are acids plus alkalis friends or foes?

The reaction between acids and alkalis is a neutralization reactin.

Examples of alkalis?

toothpaste, milk, sweat, washing powder, dry cleaner