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Q: What acronym helps me to remember which Spanish words are masculine?
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What is it called when you take part of the letters in a sentence to make another word that helps you to remember?

It is called an acronym.

How do you say generous in spanish?

How to say generous in spanish would be "generoso" or "generosa" ,depending if it is masculine or feminine. It is pronounced hen-ee-row-so. Hope this helps! :)

What acronym helps remember the spectrum of colors from longest to shortest wavelengths?

ROYGBIV Red Orange Yellow Green Blue indigo Violet

What does El and la mean in English?

El and la means the in spanish. Because every word has to have a gender, el or la determines whether it's masculine or feminine; el as masculine and la as feminine. Hope this helps.

What is the acronym of RADER?

I do so belive tha the acronym of rader is rdr. Hope this helps . . ~

Is glue feminine or masculine?

Masculine : hope this helps in you french work

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The Kalayaan Centre is a charity center that helps migrant domestic workers in the UK. The acronym for the center is KC.

How does SI DOT help you remember what speed is?

SI DOT is a simple acronym that helps you remember the formula for calculating speed: Speed = Distance / Time. This formula is useful in calculating how fast an object is moving based on how far it has traveled in a certain amount of time.

Roy g. biv ian?

Roy G. Biv is an acronym that represents the colors of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This acronym helps people remember the sequence of colors in a rainbow.

Where did the last name fernandez come from?

Perhaps this information might helpFERNANDO Gender: Masculine Usage: Spanish, Portuguese Pronounced: fer-NAHN-do (Spanish) Spanish and Portuguese form of FERDINANDhope this helps

How do you mememorize a list of words easily?

If it is vocab, go to They have very resourcefull tools to help you memorize. Otherwise, associate actions or images with the words. Perhaps make an acronym to help you remember them. Hope this helps!

What is called when you use the 1st letter of each word in a list or phrase to create a sentence that helps you remember the original list or phrase?

That is called an acronym. It is a word formed from the initial letters of a multi-word name or phrase.