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Q: What act placed taxes without the colonists consent?
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Which sentence describes a factor that motivated American colonists to declare their independence from the British?

Great Britain taxed the colonies but did not allow them to participate in politics.

What are 5 reasons for separation from England stated in the declaration of independence?

In the Declaration of Independence, the colonists listed several reasons for separation from England. One reason is that the British king and parliament had enacted taxes on the colonists without their consent as the colonists had no representatives in the British Parliament. Another reason is that the British government had sent British soldiers to the colonies, where they were expected to be fed and housed by the colonists. A third reason is that the colonists were given 'mock' trials oftentimes without a jury. A fourth reason is that the coloniesÕ representative houses were often dissolved by the British king. A fifth reason is that the coloniesÕ grievances have been repeatedly ignored by the British king.

What did the Townshend Acts say?

The Townshend Acts were designed to help the British control the Colonists through taxation. They placed taxes on goods purchased in Europe that were sent to the Americas. There were taxes placed on several items including paint, paper, and tea.

An important principle of the English Petition of Right was that no taxes coud be raised without the consent of?


For imposing taxes on us without your consent?

An elected Congress has the power to tax citizens.

Related questions

What did the townshend act require colonists to do?

The Townshend Acts required the colonists to pay taxes without their consent. This taxes were placed upon the Colonies by Britain. The colonists were perturbed over these taxes, resulting in such things like the Boston Tea Party in attempts to rebel against these taxes.

What did the townshend act do to the colonist?

The Townshend Acts required the colonists to pay taxes without their consent. This taxes were placed upon the Colonies by Britain. The colonists were perturbed over these taxes, resulting in such things like the Boston Tea Party in attempts to rebel against these taxes.

What were the reasons for opposition of the sugar act stamp act and the intolerable acts?

The colonists opposed these acts because the colonists considered them to be unfair taxing (taxation without representation). Britain placed these taxes without their consent so they rebelled.

What did colonists do to protest taxes placed on British goods?

"No taxation without representation!"

Find about Stamp act how did it lead to the conflict between Americans colonies and England?

It outraged the American colonists that such large taxes were being placed on themselves without their consent. This caused greater mistrust between the American colonists and England

What was one of the grievances towards the king that the colonists listed in the Declaration of Independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent

What was one of the grievances toward the king that the colonists listed on the declaration of independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent

What. does. the. declaration of independence say about Britain?

The Declaration of Independence said that Britain and their king abused the rights of the American colonists. It listed the charges against the king including his abuse of power and imposing taxes on them without their consent.

What does for imposing taxes on us without your consent mean?

it means to place taxes on us without our permission.

Why did the colonists oppose English taxes?

American colonists objected to British taxes because the colonists had no vote on the taxes and no representation in the British parliament. The colonists' catchphrase for protests was "taxation without representation", because they were being taxed without representation in the parliament and that's why they were mad.

Why did colonists think laws passed by the British were unfair fair?

The colonists were forced to pay taxes and allow soldiers into their homes without any say. All of the debts of the French and Indian War were placed upon the colonists. The colonies were not included in this legislation, thus the saying 'no taxation without representation'.

Was there any acts or taxes from the British that the American Colonists didn't like?

In fact, American colonists hated all the acts and taxes placed on them by King Geogre the III. Loyalists tried to get by and supported and remained loyal to the King and peacefully followed his rules usually without question.sdthawertha