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Marine mammals such as whales and dolphins have blubber, which is a layer of fat. Blubber not only helps them to keep warm, but also provides energy.

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Q: What adaptations do marine mammals have in order to deal with the cold temperature of the water?
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In what order of marine mammals are cetaceans?

There are three orders of marine mammals; cetacea, sirenia and carnivore. The cetacea order includes whales and dolphins while the sirenia order is mostly sea cows. The carnivore order has bears, sea lions and otters.

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Marine Mammals Order : Pinnipedia

Are dolphins marine animals?

Yes they are. In fact they are marine MAMMALS in the Order Cetacea.

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Marine biology and include (phycology, invertebate zoology, ichthylogy)

What orders of marine mammals are there?

There are three orders of marine mammals; cetacea, sirenia and carnivore. The cetacea order includes whales and dolphins while the sirenia order is mostly sea cows. The carnivore order has bears, sea lions and otters.

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The larget group of marine mammals, Order Cetecea, which is made up of whales.

How can you use blubber in a sentence?

The blubber of marine mammals like whales helps to insulate them and regulate their body temperature in cold ocean waters.

What are animals that are cetacean?

Cetaceans are marine mammals of the order Cetacea which includes whales, dolphins and porpoises.

What is a zoological name for a whale?

The zoological name for a whale is Cetacea. This name refers to the order of marine mammals that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

Is a manatee classified as an endothermic vertebrate?

they are marine mammals and the classification goes like this class: mamalia order: sirenia family: trichechidae

Is a Zeuglodon cold blooded or warm blooded?

Zeuglodons are in the order Cetacea, which encompasses marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. They are warm blooded.