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Q: What adaptations does the fossa have that helps the environment?
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Why do the spots help there adaptations?

It helps them blend into their environment.

What are zebras adaptations to the physical environment?

They're adaptations are their strips because it helps them blend in with their group or pack.

Are adaptations always beneficial?

A characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its environment.

How many adaptations does a fish have which are they?

Fish have many adaptations that help them survive their environment. Their gills are part of their adaptations that helps them in respiration. Fins also come in handy for purposes of mobility.

How does a fossa adapt to its environment?

It has to adopt the right traits

How does the dingoes adaptations help them to survive?

The color of their coat helps them blend into the environment so that they can stalk prey.

What is a mutation that helps an organism to live and survive in its environment?

The mutations or other changes are adaptations.

Why do adaptations fit the environment?

Because the adaptations that get established are a consequence of the environment. Any other adaptations that "do not fit the environment" get discarded via natural selection.

What are five adaptations of a pika?

The pike has had so many adaptations. It's long body for example is an adaptation it has to its environment.

How does adaptations affect natural selection?

Any trait that helps a species to survive a harsh environment or helps to survive in general will be passed on to the next generation.