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Q: What adjective describes someone who is very smart?
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Does the sentence 'Jacob was a very smart boy' have an adverb that modifies a verb?

No, the sentence "Jacob was a very smart boy" does not have an adverb that modifies a verb. It contains an adjective "smart" that describes the noun "boy."

George was very smart In this sentence does an adverb describe an adjective?

Yes. The adverb "very" modifies the adjective "smart".

What part of speech is rowdy?

The word "rowdy" functions as an adjective. It describes someone or something as boisterous, noisy, or disorderly.

What part of speech is good in she is very good?

Very is an adjective. It describes how good she was.

What part of speech is very in she is Very good?

The word "very" is an adverb modifying the adjective "good" in the sentence.

What is a metaphor for someone very smart?

you are smart person

What adjective starts with v and describes a spaceship?

Very big?

In the book Frankenstein does Frank describes his parents as strict disciplinarians?

no he describes them as being very smart and poor

Is very a pronoun?

No, very is an adverb or an adjective.Examples:That is a very sad story. (the adverb 'very' modifies the adjective 'sad')You've pushed me to my very limit. (the adjective 'very' describes the noun 'limit')

Is art an adjective?

no, it is a noun because each of adjective can be added by word " very" before the word. for example; very beautiful, very good, etc..

Is frantic a noun?

No, "frantic" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes a state of distress or anxiety.

What is discriptive adjective?

No, but descriptive is. Descriptive means describing as in "He gave a very descriptiveminute by minute account of his adventure"