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Q: What adjective would least describe Cathy the narrator in Wuthering Heights?
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In chapter 4 of Wuthering Heights who takes over the narration?

Chapter 4 of Wuthering Heights is narrated by Lockwood, the main narrator of the novel.

Who was zillah in Wuthering Heights?

the housekeeper at Wuthering Heights

Which word would best describe Hindley from Wuthering Heights?

A hellion

Why does the narrator in Wuthering Heights describe himself as having gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness how undeserved?

The narrator in Wuthering Heights, Lockwood, describes himself as having gained a reputation for deliberate heartlessness due to his initial impression of the characters at Wuthering Heights as cold and unwelcoming. This reputation is undeserved because Lockwood's initial judgment is based on misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the other characters' behavior and emotions. As the story progresses, Lockwood's perception of the characters evolves, revealing their deeper complexities and vulnerabilities.

What character complains the least in Wuthering Heights?

Nelly Dean complains the least in "Wuthering Heights." She is the housekeeper and narrator of the story, and often acts as a mediator or observer rather than expressing complaints.

Where do the Earnshaws live in Wuthering Heights?

In Wuthering's a house.They live in the house called 'Wuthering Heights' and it is on the Yorkshire moorsthe earnshaws live at the same place as heathcliff - at Wuthering Heights itself

What is the function of Nelly dean in Wuthering Heights?

Nelly Dean is the narrator and housekeeper in "Wuthering Heights" who serves as a confidante and observer of the characters' lives. She provides insight into the complicated relationships and events that unfold at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Nelly's perspective shapes the storytelling and helps to reveal the motivations and emotions of the characters.

When was Wuthering Heights created?

Wuthering Heights was created in 1847-12.

Who is Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights?

Nelly Dean is the narrator in Wuthering Heights, telling her story to Lockwood. She was the maid of Catherine, Hindley, and Heathcliff when they were young and followed Catherine when she married Edgar Linton to his house, Thrushcross Grange.

What time period was Wuthering Heights written?

"Wuthering Heights" was written by Emily Brontë and published in 1847.

When was Heathcliff - Wuthering Heights - created?

Heathcliff - Wuthering Heights - was created in 1847.

When was Lockwood - Wuthering Heights - created?

Lockwood - Wuthering Heights - was created in 1847.