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Leo Le Nay

Lvl 2
3y ago

liar, showoff, cruel and secretive

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Q: What adjectives may be used when describing the warden in holes?
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What adjectives may be used when describing Holes the book?

well, that's a weird question... The adjectives in the book holes are just like any other adjectives :P

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What adjectives may be used when describing training?

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What do you call a describing word?

A describing word is called an adjective. Adjectives are used to modify or describe nouns or pronouns in a sentence.

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What are some adjectives describing a Buffoon?

A buffoon is a person who is a clown or jester. There are many adjectives that can be used to describe a buffoon. Some of these adjectives include 'comedic,' 'ridiculous,' 'hilarious,' and 'amusing.'

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What positive adjectives may be used when describing a book?

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Adjectives starting with D which can be used for describing jewelry?

delicate can describe jewelry and also darling

What have you observed about the adjectives?

Adjectives are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns in a sentence. They add more information or details about the noun they are describing. Adjectives can describe qualities, sizes, colors, shapes, and more.

How do you use adjectives in the sentence?

Adjectives are used to describe a noun. They commonly come right before the noun that they are describing, though that is not always the case (i.e. predicate adjective and subject).

What would be 5 nouns to describe a triangle?

Nouns are not describing words. The word triangle is a noun. Adjectives are used to describe noun. Some adjectives that describe a triangle are:equilateralscaleneisoscelesacuteobtuse