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He tells her not to get too involved with Hamlet or her reputation might suffer if he is unable to marry her. She responds that he shouldn't give hypocritical advice which he himself wouldn't take.

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Laertes tells Ophelia not to date Hamlet and not to have sex with him even if he does love her, because the consequences of a child can not be reversed.

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Q: What advice does laertes give to his sister before going to France in Hamlet?
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How does Laetres die in Hamlet?

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First, Laertes stabs Hamlet with it. Then Hamlet takes it from Laertes and stabs Laertes with it. Then Hamlet stabs Claudius with it before forcing the poisoned wine down Claudius' throat.

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He forgives Hamlet for the wrongs Hamlet has done to him.

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The quote "Neither a borrower nor lender be" is from William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet." It is spoken by the character Polonius in Act 1, Scene 3 as part of his advice to his son Laertes before he leaves for France.

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does* and it's a duel that was set up before by Laertes and Claudius to kill Hamlet. For Laertes because Claudius told him that Hamelt murdered his brother and for Claudius so Hamlet doesn't spill the secret that Claudius murdered Senior Hamlet.

Who says give every man thy ear but few thy voice in hamlet?

Polonius said it to his son Laertes as a piece of advice before he left to Paris

Why is the King worried about Laertes return?

Laertes, in a parallel revenge, seeks revenge against Hamlet for killing his father, Polonius, and the early death of his sister Ophelia. Hamlet does die, but not before Laertes, so Laertes never does get his revenge against Hamlet

Why does laertes die before Hamlet?

I don't know. Especially since Hamlet was stabbed first. But Hamlet is the main character. He has to take longer to die

What is a quick summary of Hamlet?

Hamlet is told by the ghost of his father that he was murdered by Hamlet's uncle Claudius who is now the king and Hamlet's stepfather. In the process of pursuing his revenge, Hamlet kills Polonius, Claudius's counsellor and the father of Hamlet's girlfriend Ophelia. Ophelia goes mad and dies, and her brother Laertes comes vowing vengeance for his father's death. Laertes and Claudius plot Hamlet's death, but although Hamlet is mortally wounded, their plot misfires, killing Hamlet's mother and Laertes. Hamlet kills Claudius before he, too, expires.

Who killed Gertrude in Hamlet?

Technically, King Cladius Kills Gertrude in Hamlet, but not intentionally. King Cladius poisons the wine for Hamlet to drink but he refuses it to keep fencing Laertes but when hamlet makes the second strike the Queen wants to drink to him and when she does she drinks from the poisoned cup and dies.

Who says in hamlet To thine ownself be true?

Polonius says this to his son Laertes. Polonius is one of the most underhand and dishonest characters in the entire play. (In fact he is killed while trying to spy on Hamlet a few scenes later). Draw your own conclusion.

What is the nature of Hamlet's speech to Laertes before they fence?

It's sort of an official and not very believable apology.