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After surgical treatment of an intussusception, the patient is given fluids intravenously until bowel function returns; he or she may then be allowed to resume a normal diet. Follow-up care may be indicated if.

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Q: What aftercare is recommended for intussusception surgery?
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Telescoping of one part of the intestine into adjacent part?

This is called Intussusception. Most commonly seen in infants , but can occur in adults also. Needs immediate attention and surgery.

What problems can happen after intussusception surgery?

Intussusception recurs in approximately 1-4% of patients after surgery, compared to 5-10% after nonsurgical reduction. Adhesions form in up to 7% of patients who undergo surgical reduction. The rate of.

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What are the risks of intussusception surgery?

Complications associated with intussusception reduction include reactions to general anesthesia; perforation of the bowel; wound infection; urinary tract infection; excessive bleeding; and formation of adhesions.

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V58.78 Aftercare following surgery musculoskeletal system Not otherwise classified

What alternatives to intussusception reduction are available?

the administration of IV fluids, bowel decompression with a nasogastric tube, or a therapeutic enema are often successful in reducing intussusception. Patients whose symptoms point to bowel perforation or strangulation, however, require immediate surgery

Telescoping of one part of the intestine into another is called?


Does sea salt infect a nose piercing?

No, it is actually one of the recommended aftercare treatments.

What happens in intussusception?

In intussusception, the bowel telescopes into itself like a radio antenna folding up.

How many incidence case of ileocecal intussusception?

Unfortunately I don't have specifics, but this might give you a feel for things. Ileocecal intussusception is the most common form of intussusception. The overall incidence of intussusception is 1-4/1000, with 90% being of the idiopathic form (ie, no specific mechanical lead point for the intussusception can be found), and of these idiopathic cases, most are ileocecal.

Why is the use of eye drops often crucial for eye surgery aftercare?

In some cases, correct eye drop usage is critical to a successful surgery outcome.