

When does scoliosis start?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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14y ago

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Scoliosis usually starts during adolesence.

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6y ago

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.

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12y ago

A person can develop scoliosis at any age, but it is most common in teenagers, doctors think this is mostly because of an increase in growth and hormones.

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How bad is disability scoliosis?

i have it, it is very painful and the start but you get used to it

Are all levels of scoliosis considered chronic or just the really major ones?

Scoliosis is not considered chronic or acute based on severity of the curve. Chronic implies long term, so if you have scoliosis that is untreated then it is chronic. If you have a functional scoliosis that is improved through conservative treatment, or severe structural scoliosis that is improved through surgery, then it is no longer chronic. Of course, the more severe the scoliosis at the start, the less likely it is to be "fixed" and thus the more likely it is to become chronic.

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.

Does scoliosis start young?

In almost all cases it starts in the teens. It's also genetic.

What is a prevention of scoliosis?

scoliosis can not be prevented

Where does scoliosis mainly affect?

Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature

What effects does scoliosis have on your daily routine?

effects of scoliosis

What is the disorder of Scoliosis?

scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine

Can scoliosis mean the spine has a twist?

yes that is what scoliosis is

Does Katherine cimorelli have scoliosis?

Does Lauren cimorelli have scoliosis

What are alternative treatments for scoliosis?

As I have heard, there is no particular alternative treatment for scoliosis. Treatments like biofeedback cannot prevent scoliosis. Exercise has not been confirmed to affect change on scoliosis.

What is positional change or scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine.