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Q: What age horse should a 11 year old?
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How old should a horse be before it's not considered a foal?

1 year old; from then until age two it is a yearling.

What age should you train a trotting horse?

you should train a trotting horse at the age of 5 years old.

What age do you castrate a horse?

One year old

Should i barrel race my 18 year old horse?

you should barrow your horse

How much should a 36 year old horse eat?

A horses age doesn't always affect the amount of food it should eat. A horse should be fed between 1% and 3% of it's bodyweight in food a day.

Should a ten year old have a horse?

No. Not as a sole responsibility

Should a ten year old train a young horse?

Absoloutly not!

Can you still get a passport for a twenty year old horse?

Yes. Any horse can and should be registered for a passport.

Can a 3 year old horse be ridden?

for the first 3 years of its life,a female or male horse is called a foal.when the female is 3 years old its a filly,the male a colt(also the age they are able to be ridden!).at 5 years of age the filly is a mare and the colt is a stallion.

What age should you be to get tablet?

75 year old.

When should i not buy a young 3 year old horse?

When you have a hairbrush in your hair.

Is a 9 year old horse to old to make a barrel horse?

No, 9 years old is not too old. Active barrel racers often race horses up to the age of 16-18 years old.