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Q: What age is a baby before they can focus?
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How old can a girl move out of parents when she has a baby in maine?

You have to be of legal age just like before you had a baby. Having a baby makes no difference.

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How old should a baby be before one attempts to feed honey to the child?

A baby should be at least 1 years old.Corn syrup can be harmful to baby's under the age of 1 years old. This is how old a baby should before they can eat honey.

What is the legal age for emancipation in PA of a teen mother?

18 just like before you had the baby.

How old do you have to be to do the Focus T25?

There is no age limit to doing Focus T25, the workout routine. However if you believe you have any significant health issues, you should speak to your doctor before starting this routine.

Why can't a newborn baby see his reflection in the mirror?

Newborn eyes don't focus yet and they don't see in color at first. It take a bit of time before both of these things develop in a baby.

How old is the yongest mum?

i did research before and there a little girl who had a baby at the age of 5, very strange

What is the age can baby sit in Canada?

You have to be 12 years old but you have to take the first aid test before.

How long do baby lions live?

As many as 80% of the lion cubs will die before the age of two.

Would if your baby's dad is under age?

would if your baby's dad is under age would if your baby's dad is under age

What is the legal age to have a baby in Australia?

The age to have a baby in Australia is 18.and thats the correct age.

What age to have a baby?

people can have a baby at any age only if the woman have their period