

What air mass is warm and dry?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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continental tropical

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Q: What air mass is warm and dry?
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What is continental tropical air mass like?

The continental tropical air mass is very humid and warm, with lots of rain and a high humidity.

What describes and air mass with the symbol C T?

A cP (continental polar) air mass is generally cool and dry.

What is an equatorial air mass?

Air formed in places where the temperature is warm.

Is a maritime tropical air mass warm and humid or dry?


What kind of air would be characteristic of a maritime tropical air mass?

Warm, humid

What type of air mass is dry and warm?

it is continental tropical air

What effect does warm dry air mass have on the area over which it moves?

A warm and dry air mass can make the area over which it moves arid and less humid. This is why deserts have dry air while coastal areas are humid.

What type of air mass is in Texas in the summer?

dry and warm

What are air masses bend at boundaries to form?

The boundaries between air masses are called front. The types of air mass and movements involved determine the type of front. Warm front: a warm air mass plows into a cold air mass. Cold front: a cold air mass plows into a warm air mass. Stationary front: The warm and cold air masses move little relative to one another. Occluded front: A cold front catches up with a warm front, sending the warm air mass aloft. Dry line: a dry air mass plows into a moist air mass.

What effect does a warm dry air mass have on the area over which it moves?

A warm dry air mass typically brings clear skies, warm temperatures, and low humidity to the area over which it moves. It can lead to dry conditions and increased evaporation, which may contribute to heatwaves and drought.

Is a cold dry air denser thatn a mass of warm humid air?

Yes, cold dry air is denser than warm humid air because cold air molecules are closer together due to lower temperature, making the air more compact and denser. Warm humid air, on the other hand, has water vapor that displaces some of the air molecules, making it less dense.

What is an air mass that forms over a desert called?

An air mass that forms over a desert is called a continental tropical air mass. These air masses are dry, hot, and typically stable due to their formation over arid desert regions.