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It's hard to imagine how a pro soccer player would directly use algebra in association with their work on or off the field. But keep in mind that soccer players do a lot of things in drills and training that they don't directly replicate on the field. For example, while weight training, they may use a leg press. But during a game, they will never lie on their back and flex their quadriceps. They do the leg press because it simply makes their legs stronger.

In the same way, algebra makes your brain stronger in ways that help you no matter what you're doing. Soccer players regularly need to be able to visually analyze a situation and instantly see the sequence of steps necessary to achieve a goal. The more experience their brain has at analyzing a situation and developing a solution, the quicker they'll be at achieving the goal. Algebra helps with this. Acquiring an intuitive sense for vectors and ballistics (quadratic equations) will also help soccer players.

'Hope this helps.

Cameron Bauer

Author, Algebra for Athletes

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