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1w ago

The skin's flexibility and ability to bend without tearing apart is due to its structure, which includes layers of collagen and elastin fibers that provide strength and elasticity. These proteins allow the skin to stretch and recoil without sustaining damage.

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Q: What allows the skin to bend without tearing apart?
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What makes copper wire bend?

Copper wire is ductile, meaning it can be stretched without breaking. It bends easily due to its malleability, allowing it to be shaped into various forms without losing its structural integrity. The atomic structure of copper also plays a role in its ability to bend; the arrangement of atoms allows the wire to deform under stress.

Example of malleability?

One example of malleability is when a metal like gold can be easily hammered into thin sheets or shaped into different forms without breaking. This property allows gold to be used in jewelry making and other applications where it needs to be shaped or molded.

What type of bonds are present in a staple and allow it to bend without breaking?

Metallic bonds are present in a staple, allowing it to bend without breaking. Metallic bonds are formed between metal atoms by sharing their electrons, giving the material its unique ability to be flexible and malleable.

Can you bend plutonium?

No, plutonium is a highly dense and brittle metal that cannot be easily bent or shaped without specialized equipment and techniques. Attempting to bend plutonium can also be dangerous due to its radioactive properties.

What material has the highest ductility a diamond a piece of copper marble or a piece of wood?

A piece of copper has the highest ductility among the options listed. Ductility is the ability of a material to deform under stress without breaking, and copper can be stretched into thin wires without breaking. Diamond, marble, and wood are not as ductile as copper.

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What allows skin to bend without tearing apart?


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Muscles supply support and a way for bones to move/bend at the joints without falling apart.

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"Bend the rules" means to slightly break or twist the rules in a way that allows for flexibility or achieving a desired outcome without fully violating the rules.

What allows you to bend?

your muscles

Why do flexible pencils bend?

Flexible pencils are made using a special type of rubbery material that allows them to bend without breaking. The material is designed to be soft and pliable, making it easy to manipulate and bend into different shapes.

How is wood kerfed?

With a saw. If you're trying to bend a board using inside kerfing, you will need to do some math to figure out how many kerf and how far apart to make the necessary bend without breaking the board.

What joint allows you to bend your neck?

Your sliding joint allows your spine to bending or stretching

Which muscle allows you to bend your knee?

hamstrings and the quadriceps

What is sweeping bend?

A sweeping bend is a gradual curve or change in direction in a road or track that allows vehicles to navigate smoothly without sharp turns or disruptions in speed. This design feature is often seen in highways, racetracks, and cycling routes to improve traffic flow and safety.

How does a flexible pencil work?

A flexible pencil is made of a rubber-like material that allows it to bend without breaking. The pencil lead inside is typically surrounded by a rubbery substance that provides the flexibility. When pressure is applied, the pencil can bend easily.

What part of the skeletal can bend without breaking?

Cartilage can bend without breaking. It's the only part that can.