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Unquestionable or without doubt; contrast or antonym

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Q: What although some questioned the validity of the man's claim in my mind the truth of the matter was indubitably clear?
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What state is not matter?

Plasma is probably the answer you're looking for, although it is still baryonic matter, but it is not like the usual matter found on Earth.

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Idealists believed that matter was not the ultimate reality, but rather that it was subordinate to the mind or consciousness. They argued that the physical world was a product of mental processes and that perception and consciousness shaped our understanding of reality.

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"Truth fears no questions" because no matter how the truth is questioned it wont chance the fact that it still is the truth. If something happened and person asked you if you're sure, then it would still have happened no matter if that person believes it or not

Do you believed that matter is the basis and ultimate source of truth?

No, it is not possible for matter to be the basis and the ultimate source of truth, although some truth can be found in examining matter.

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That is a matter of your opinion. -Although, I think Jessica Jung is the prettiest.

Can cement be compressed?

Technically yes. Although the amount of change would be negligible. All matter can be compressed to varying degrees.Technically yes. Although the amount of change would be negligible. All matter can be compressed to varying degrees.

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It is generally accepted that matter in the state of a gas , is termed the gaseous state , although the state of some gasses, can be changed

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It is a matter of opinion. Although a lot of his fan girls think that he is.

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Words come in various forms. When they are printed in books, the books have matter, although books with blank pages and no words would still have matter. In their purest form, words are ideas, and therefore do not have matter. But a collection of words on paper can be described as reading matter.

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