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It is "feel as sick as a dog."

The nurse became sick as a dog after contracting the flu.

Food poisoning makes people sicker than dogs.

Note: This is a very trite, overused expression.

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Q: What animal completes the expression to feel as sick as?
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If animal are sick the will probabaly lay on their bellie and feel sad about something

Do you feel sick after kissing?

You should not feel sick after kissing. The only time you would feel sick is if the person you kissed was sick and passed germs on to you. However, you would not feel sick right away.

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Sick is a mood because when you say you feel sick that is a mood you are feeling.Such as i feel sick

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It is not normal to feel sick after taking birth control pills. If you feel that the pills are making you sick, you should contact your doctor and have them changed.Taking birth control pills should not make you feel sick. That is not normal.

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A kitten should not take Robitussin DM. If you feel your kitten may be sick, it is best to take it to an animal hospital.

Why do you always feel sick when your girlfriend is not with you?

Girlfriend's and Boyfriend's are meant to comfort you. You might be getting sick because you feel lonely or discomforted because they are away from you. Try to get something that reminds them of you so that you feel close to them even when they are away. If it's a bracelets or earrings, maybe a stuffed animal. Anything that can help ease the pain your going through :)