

What animal hear the lowest frequency?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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A Pigeon has the lowest hearing Frequency at .1 Hz.

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Solon Zboncak

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Q: What animal hear the lowest frequency?
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What animal has the lowest hearing frequency?

A Pigeon has the lowest hearing Frequency at .1 Hz.

The lowest frequency that humans can hear is?

20 Hz.

What is the lowest frenquency that humans can hear?

The lowest frequency that the human ear can detect is that of 20Hertz.

The lowest frequency that humans can hear is approximatel?

The lowest frequency that humans can hear is generally around 20 Hz. This can vary from person to person due to age, genetics, and exposure to loud noises.

What is the lowest frequency for humans?

The lowest frequency that can typically be heard by humans is around 20 Hz. Below this frequency, sounds are typically felt as vibrations rather than heard.

What is the lowest frequencey that a human can hear?

The lowest frequency that a human can typically hear is around 20 Hz. Below this frequency, most people may not perceive the sound as a distinct pitch but rather as a sensation of pressure or vibration.

What animal can hear the lowest pitch?

Jack Frost was said to hear low pitch animal noises from miles away so he is the "animal" that can hear the lowest pitch

What is the lowest frequency a human can ear?


What is the lowest frequency humans can hear?

It varies with individuals of course, but 19-21 is very common

What is the lowest pitch a human can hear?

The lowest pitch a human can typically hear is around 20 Hz, although this can vary depending on factors such as age and hearing health. Below this frequency, the vibrations are felt as pressure rather than heard as sound.

The lowest frequency a human can hear is?

The sensitivity of the human ear ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Under ideal conditions in a laboratory, humans have detected sounds as low as 12 Hz.

When does an observer at a railroad crossing hear the lowest frequency of a trains whistle?

An observer at a railroad crossing hears the lowest frequency of a train's whistle when the train is approaching. As the train moves towards the observer, the sound waves are compressed, resulting in a higher perceived frequency.