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Q: What announcement did the Stamp Act Congress make?
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Who attended the Stamp Act congress of 1765?

Colonists attended the Stamp Act Congress of 1765. The Stamp Act Congress was held in New York City in October of 1765.

What contribution did the stamp act make to the colonists's concept of liberty?

The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people's freedom

What contribution did the Stamp Act make to the colonists concept of liberty?

The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people's freedom

What is a good picture to draw to represent The Stamp Act Congress?

a stamp with a picture of congress on it

Who led stamp act congress?

The Stamp Act was put into place and passed by the British Parliament. The strongest opponent of this act in Congress was Samuel Adams.

Who led the stamp act congress?

The Stamp Act was put into place and passed by the British Parliament. The strongest opponent of this act in Congress was Samuel Adams.

What was the Stamp Act Congress?

....the stamp act congress...critics of the law called for delegates from every colony to meet in new york city

Who was the Stamp Act Congress made up of?

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Who organized the stamp act congress?

the colonists

What was the first stamp act of congress?


Where did the Stamp Act Congress meet?


How did the stamp act congress react to the stamp act?

the colonists were mad!!. they thought the only people who can tax them were their representatives Keep in mind that the colonists weren't mad because of the Stamp Act Congress. They set up the stamp act congress in reaction to the Stamp Act, which was an internal tax set up by the British that taxed all paper goods by making a British stamp required on all paper good in the colonies.