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[Embalming the Body]

First, Body taken to tent called ibu or place of purification. They wash he/she with good-smelling palm wine. Then, the Embalmer rinses he/she with water from Nile. Embalmer: Person who treats dead bodies with preservatives to keep looking lifelike. One of the embalmer's men cut left side of body; remove internal organs; first party of body to decompose. Like the Liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines packed in natron which is natural salt. Next they dry them out. They do not take out the Heart because they think it is the Center of intelligence and Felling man needs in afterlife. Then, a long hook to use for smashing the brain, pull it out through the nose. Taking out the brain, the body stuffed with natron which will dry it out. It will be saved and buried along with the body, fluids and rags. After forty days, the body washed again with water from Nile. Then it would be covered with oils help skin stay elastic. Internal organs wrapped in linen returned to body. Then the body would be stuffed with dry materials. For example sawdust, leaves and linen just to make it lifelike. It would be covered again with good-smelling oils. It is now ready to be wrapped in linen.

[Wrapping it]

First, the head and necked would be wrapped. Next, fingers and toes are individually wrapped; arms legs wrapped separately. Then the embalmers place amulets-charm meant to protect from evil. The purpose is to make its journey through the underworld. Isis knot amulet will protect the body, plummet will keep person balance in next life. While wrapping, the priest reads spells out loud to keep of evil spirits and help deceased make journey to the afterlife. Next, the arms and legs tied together. Papyrus scroll with spells from Book of the Dead are place between raping hands. More linen strips wrapped around body. Every layer, bandages are painted with liquid resin, to glue the bandages together. Cloth would be wrapped around body and picture of god Osiris painted. Large cloths wrapped around entire mummy. Attached with strips of linen. The board would be painted wood that is placed top of the mummy. After, it is lowered into the coffin. The first coffin would be put into second coffin. Then the Funeral held for the deceased. Family mourns his/her death. Ritual- religious ceremony; Ritual called "Opening of the Mouth" is done which the deceased to eat and drink. Then the body would be placed inside large stone sarcophagus in the tomb. Furniture, clothing, valuable objects, food and drink arrange in tomb for deceased.

Sarcophagus: A large stone or wood box in which coffins were placed for burial. Body ready for its journey through underworld.

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12y ago

1. it dies.

2. ya take out the brains and all the organs except the heart.

3. ya bury the body and put salt on it. Dig it up 40 days later.

4. Smear incense and oils all over the corpse's skin.

5. Ya wrap it in cloth.

6. ya bury the stiff.

ya welcome i know it isn't the best answer out there but if you werent to lazy to research it yourself then ya coulda gotten a better answer

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